Purpose Accelerator

Fierce Connection to Meaning & Fulfillment

What is Purpose Accelerator?

Purpose Accelerator is a bold 90 day awakening to your fulfillment skills, invigoration, and social influence.

What is Purpose Accelerator?

In this supportive, heart centered group of like-minded peers, you will receive an education in the essentials you need to understand and integrate in order to elevate your relationship with fulfillment, connection, and meaning.

You’ll blast open from the program with more clarity around your emotional states, your connection to purpose, what lights you on fire, evolved emotional intelligence, laser communication skills, and leadership will be your new default.

After this experience, you’ll feel fiercely alive.

This is your next awakening.

“Ultimately, there is only one thing to be said: Seth is one of those rare creatures who has discovered exactly what he is built for. Like Jordan finding a basketball, or Phelps a speedo, Seth is an inspired natural at providing the space for a person to search and find their self. He exudes a comforting, uplifting energy that subconsciously reassures your mind allowing it to follow the emotional cues that everything is safe.” - Micah Mowrey

Who is Purpose Accelerator for?

The Purpose Accelerator is for foreword thinking individuals that work in the tech industry who are ready to feel fiercely alive and make a massive impact in their communities and the world.

This program is for you if you’re desiring to get unstuck.

If you want to accelerate your growth.

If you want to release the stories, the shame and the past.

If you’re ready to say Fuck Yes to YOU.

If you want to cultivate invigorating relationships.

If you want to create the wealth you’re worthy of, doing what lights your soul on fire.

If you want to be the person at the party that everyone’s talking about because of how you’ve positively impacted their lives.

If you want to fully love yourself and your life.

If this brings all sorts of emotions up and/or you have a hard time believing it.

If you want this.

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“The biggest benefit to me from the Purpose Accelerator program was having a supportive space to explore how to arrive at my purpose. Seth is good at cultivating a culture that encourages everyone to be authentic and not needing to be anywhere else than where they are right now, while guiding us through steps that clarify our vision and how to get there. I’ve met great people through this program and growth in group settings happens when everyone genuinely cares about each other’s success, and that’s what Seth enabled in this program.”

— Michelle Capriles-Escobedo

What is Purpose Accelerator’s format?

The experience is 12 weeks long.

Each week, a course section will open for you to train on your own time (video + audio provided).

Each week there is a fuel call on Wednesdays at 6pm PST that will awaken each lesson fully within your being. Fuel calls include activities, fierce coaching, and many surprises. These calls are 2 hours long and lead by Seth.

Each week’s course section will include journal prompts and comfort zone pushing assignments to complete on your own or with your fellow accelerators.

Every weekday outside integration weeks at 8:30am will be Mindful Mornings, lead by Seth. It is strongly recommended to attend these.

You will receive 3, 60 minute, one on one amped coaching calls with Seth. These calls will happen once a month while in the program.

You will receive lifetime access to the course content and fuel call recordings.

You will receive an invite to the Purpose Accelerator party, a beautiful, live in-person experience. All of Seth’s previous coaching clients will be invited as well. You’ll get a +1 as well.

New to Purpose Accelerator Spring 2022…


As a recent Purpose Accelerator cohort alumni, Lovely is ready to serve the next cohort through peer support counseling. She’s excited to help others as they make big decisions for their lives!

New to Purpose Accelerator Spring 2022.

  • Cord Cutting Healing (This is a BIG deal!).

  • More group outings.

  • New special guest interviews.

  • New mindfulness modules from Sean Walsh.

New to Purpose Accelerator Winter 2021…

Pure Love Presence.

Sean Walsh has been making waves in the Seattle community. He empowers others to confidently present themselves to those they serve. His expertise in mindset and videography will be delivered all throughout Purpose Accelerator. Special group calls, online course modules and one on one Camera Test sessions will be offered by Sean to boldly broadcast your purpose to the universe.

New to Purpose Accelerator Winter 2021.

  • Daily Mindful Morning calls at 8:30am (Max Meditation System™, gratitude reflection, day planning, breathwork, Chi Gong).

  • Onboarding Strategy Call with Seth + Sean.

  • Purpose Accelerator Live talk preparation module.

  • Optional group outings.

  • New Special Guest Interviews.

  • Pure Love Presence with Sean Walsh.

    • Special workshops dedicated to videography and mindset.

    • One on one Camera Test Sessions.

    • Dedicated online course modules.

    • One on one sessions for integration of content.

  • EFT Method Work customized for you by Sean + Seth.

  • Aura reading and bioenergetic healings with Healy, the quantum healing device.

  • Aura healings for those that have already received a Life Activation.

What’s Included

  • Group connection.

    Weekly Group Fuel Calls about the topics of the week.

  • One on one coaching.

    3, Monthly 60 minute one on one Amped Coaching Calls with Seth.

  • Weekly content.

    Delivered Fridays, videos for program topics, journaling and special guest interview every week. Lifetime access to content.

  • Daily Mindful Mornings.

    Max Meditation System™, gratitude reflection, day planning, breathwork, Chi Gong.

    Weekdays at 8:30-9am PST

  • Power Pod.

    Core friends throughout the program.

  • Purpose Accelerator Live

    An invite to Purpose Accelerator Live, a beautiful, live in-person experience where you will have the opportunity to celebrate your accomplishment with the peers you’ll share this journey with.

“Seth keeps you just outside of your comfort zone and pushes you to try new things and move your deadlines up just a little bit. The Purpose Accelerator course broadens your thoughts on what it means to be a Purpose-Driven Leader and the many exercises you would NOT do otherwise make this course what it is. You get what you put into it, but Seth gives you all the opportunities needed to put in some extra work. I recommend this course to anyone looking to define a target for their arrow!”

— Hayden Anderson

Also included in this program…


Yes, straight up magick.

When does Purpose Accelerator start?


The Winter cohort will start together the week of April 25th. There are limited spots available. Don’t hesitate to apply now.

What is the investment for Purpose Accelerator?


There are 2 options for this investment in YOU.

Option 1: Pay in full.

First 2: $2,500 • All Spots Claimed

3-5: $2,750 • 2 Spots Left!

6-9: $3,050

10-15: $3,400

Option 2: $3600 paid over 2 payments of $1,800. First payment at sign up, Second payment halfway through program.